Staff & Faculty

We are a team of educators passionate about supporting students mentally, emotionally, and socially.

Meet Our Team

Our team of compassionate educators is committed to the belief that all people are created by God and therefore deserve to be treated with dignity and respect. We believe that all students have a right to learn and to be instructed in a manner that works for their particular needs.


Rhonda McGinnis


Joshua Drolshagen

Assistant Principal

Cristie Barnes

Office Administrator

Chad McGinnis

Campus Pastor

Jared Burke

Dean of Students

Support Staff

Stephanie Smith


Betty Steineman


Rose Drolshagen

Reading Coach

Drew Surrency

P.E. Coach

Karen Mazzoli


Chris Bell


Hector Rosales


Alston Harris

Student Intern/Custodian

Lauren Carey

Resource Teacher

Derek Forehand

Public Relations

Elementary School

Caroline Barkemeyer


Kari Drolshagen


Audrey Stanley


Angela Williamson


Middle/High School

Alyssa Berkley

Spanish Teacher

Mike Ferguson

English Teacher

Eric Hughes

History Teacher

Bobby Mainellis

Science Teacher

Andrew Roberts

Math Teacher

Exceptional Student Education

Kasey McGinnis


Nancy Titus


Join Our Team

Become a part of the Sparrow Academy team to help develop students with learning and healing.

Why Sparrow?

Discover the mission and approach of Sparrow Academy and how we seek to reimagine education.

Teacher Qualifications

Teachers must meet the Florida State Department of Education requirements for accredited private schools. They will be certified with, or certifiable by, the Florida League of Christian Schools and/or FLDOE. This includes either holding a bachelor’s degree or higher or three or more years of K–12th grade teaching experience or special skills, knowledge or expertise that qualifies them to provide instruction in K–12th grade subjects.

Sparrow Academy teachers will not only be considered for their professional expertise, they also will be evaluated for their ability to be a role model of the Christian lifestyle and teach biblical principles integrative with the subject matter.